Τετάρτη 24 Φεβρουαρίου 2016

Διάκριση πιανιστικού έργου Χάρη Κανάκη στην Αμερική.

Δημοσιεύω το mail που έλαβα από Αμερική από τον καθηγητή Samuel Stokes για την επιλογή του έργου μου για πιάνο, "The Little Clown" για project του Πανεπιστημίου Northwestern State University του Λος Άντζελες με θέμα το χιούμορ στην μουσική.
Μια αναπάντεχη διάκριση που μου έδωσε μεγάλη χαρά μια και οι συμμετοχές, από ό,τι με ενημέρωσαν, ήταν πολλές με υψηλό επίπεδο και η τελική επιλογή πολύ δύσκολη. Το έργο μου αυτό είναι ένα κομμάτι για πιάνο από τα πρώτα μου έργα και την πρώτη περίοδο της εργογραφίας μου. 
Το ταξίδι συνεχίζεται!

Dear composers,

I want to thank you all for submitting compositions to my call for humorous piano pieces. I received numerous submissions representing many different kinds of humor.  It was very difficult to narrow them down to the final selections, but ultimately I selected the ones that I thought were the most humorous examples of different styles of humor.  These are the selected pieces (listed alphabetically by title):

Charley's Rag - David Cortello

Cooking Disaster - Frank Sartain

Howling at the Moon Waltz - Walter Rimler

Krakowiak - Jakub Neske

A Little Beethoven, Anyone? - Mary Ann Joyce-Walter

The Little Clown - Kanakis Haris

Praeludium I (alternative take in e-flat minor) - J.S. Bach, Anton Svetlichny

24 Preludios sin fuga XX - Mateo Soto

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star for Piano - Louis Johnson

Vagabondages, 5. Paris - Louis Sauter

I want to stress how difficult the decision was.  Many very good works were not chosen for various reasons - some because the length was a bit beyond the scope of what I was looking for, others were very well-written pieces but perhaps the humor didn't come across to me as well as some of the final selections (of course, humor is subjective).  If you would like specific comments on your pieces, I would be glad to provide them at your request.

Thank you!

Samuel Stokes, PhD

Music Teacher, Talent Program - Piano/Voice

Northwestern State University Lab Schools

Natchitoches, LA 71497


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